My Home Workout Bible was designed specifically for those who are always short on time. It’s also ideal for when you’re on the road or when you don’t have access to a gym.
Luckily, you always have your body, so you always have a way to train. Getting fit doesn’t have to be complicated. Simple bodyweight exercises can be a great choice for achieving gains in strength, flexibility, boosting cardiovascular fitness, burning fat & overall health.
What’s Included
An organised weekly training schedule
This is an e-book; therefore, it can be easily downloaded to your phone or any device and taken wherever you go!
High intensity cardio & low intensity cardio workouts, which are key components to the guide.
Core Workouts
My Home Workout Bible is 8 weeks long but it can be repeated as many times as desired. Every other week you will repeat the same exercise plan so that you can track your progress. So, weeks 1 and 3, weeks 2 and 4, weeks 5 and 7 and weeks 6 and 8 will mirror each other.
Equipment Needed
YOU! The only equipment you will need is your body.