5 years ago I was introduced to Brendan through a client of mine. I had been telling her that I wasn’t happy with my weight l, I was feeling down about myself and wanted to change my lifestyle.
Brendan came highly recommended to me so initially I had a nutritional consultation with him. I was very impressed and Brendan kept in contact with me seeing if there was anything he could help me with and was very encouraging and supportive.
After a few months I decided to try bootcamp! So one Tuesday evening I went along and although I found it tough, the positive feeling I got during and after it felt great! So I carried on going to bootcamp then decided to try group PT. 6.30am on a park sounded a bit daunting to me but off I went!
I could quite easily have turned my car round on the east lancs on my way there but thought to myself no I’m gonna do this! I loved it! Brendan and all BB members where so encouraging, this really helped me motivate myself and now over two years down the line
I consistently set my alarm for 5.45am three times a week to do my group PT! I love it and for anyone thinking about it, from my own personal experience, it is the best thing that I ever did!
Never have I stuck to an exercise routine in the past and have made every excuse under the sun not to be there, but this time it really has worked for me!
I can’t praise Brendan enough. He is so encouraging and supportive and knows exactly each individual’s strengths and weaknesses and helps each and every one of his members personally. He gives up his own time to go through nutritional advice, award evenings, weekly emails to encourage everyone and keeps track of the progress of everyone.
Over the past year I have dropped a stone in weight, my body fat has reduced, my lifestyle and eating habits have completely changed for the better and I feel great!
Thank you Brendan for being a great Personal Trainer and for creating such an inspirational team!