
This is the 2nd testimonial I have written as it is now over 2.5 years since I started training with Bb Fitness.

At nearly 46 years of age this is the only ‘keep fit’ regime I have ever stuck with for any time of my life. This is because Brendan Blood is so passionate, client focused and knowledgeable about what he does.

It’s not just a regular training session….he constantly watches every exercise and movement that everyone undertakes and is not afraid to correct someone, if he feels they are not receiving the full benefit of his instruction.

We receive regular emails and Facebook posts that are interesting, informative and often thought provoking. He is available to all of his Clients at any time and will answer any questions whatever they may be….

Each session is completely different and you are each pushed to your own individual limit in every session.

I have seen some amazing individual results, ladies have completely changed shape and that makes me very proud to be part of his team, it is like one big happy family (especially our social events!).

It simply doesn’t matter what level of fitness you have, Brendan is there to help you assist you in achieving your goals!

Tracie Baker