I started Bb Fitness in May 2015, I was taken by 2 friends Natalie Hatton and Nicola Wood, who both had attended Bb Fitness and looked fabulous. They had lost weight, were fitter than ever and knew loads about nutrition from Brendan Blood and said I would love it if attended as they could see I was struggling with shifting the weight after baby number 3!
By just turning up at Bb Fitness sessions, it gave me focus and made the days feel more positive! The BB family of girls is just so welcoming and friendly, they are encouraging, funny and there’s a real group spirit.
There are all ages, sizes and fitness levels that attend and each person has their own goals and aspirations or reasons they attend Bb Fitness.
Brendan is a fantastic PT, he is super knowledgeable, encouraging and he bases his praise always on how you can improve your technique or push you to the next level and at that very point your arms or legs are giving up and your just about to stop – Brendan will say, ‘Come on talk yourself into it’ and you do push yourself that very last step with all that you have got!
He really does care about each and everyone’s progress and assists you to reach your goals! I won’t lie and say it’s easy, it isn’t and with each session being completely different there’s lots of new things in each week to keep your fitness levels pushing up!
The BB 10 commandments he gives you that you can follow are super easy ways to adjust your diet and health to feel better! I would have never heard of omega 3 till now! I
have had a total mind swap from how I used to live; I barely ate for fear of weight gain and would constantly jump on the scales several times a day!
From what I have learned from Brendan in the last 9 months I train and eat more than ever before! I feel strong and healthy! I’ve recently attended a free seminar on how to follow the BB commandments and this helped to keep a daily focus for better health and fitness!
It’s addictive once you have made that first step – So give it a go – Bb Fitness won’t disappoint!
If you’re on the fence about whether to turn up to a class my only advice is do it! What’s the worst that can happen? you get fit and meet a fab group of girls!
Vicky Fleming